CNC turning and milling in Oakland CA, acrylic, polycarbonate (Lexan), polypropylene, polyethylene, ABS, PVC fabricationCNC turning and milling in Oakland CA, acrylic, polycarbonate (Lexan), polypropylene, polyethylene, ABS, PVC fabrication May 25, 2019May 25, 2019| adminadmin| 0 Comment | 5:39 pm Our equipment A: CNC milling Equipment 1-AKIRA_SEIKI V2 2-AKIRA_SEIKI V3 3-AKIRA_SEIKI V4 4-AKIRA_SEIKI V5 Turlock CA CNC router milling machine CNC machine shop near me, Palo Alto Ca 45953 Warm Springs Boulevard, Unit 5 Fremont, Read MoreRead More